Faithfully serving & loving God, our community, & you!
Join us on Sunday Mornings or Tuesday Evenings.
Join us for worship & Holy Communion at
8:00 AM or 11:00 AM on Sundays.
Join us for worship in-person or audio online!
Our Worship & Activity Schedule:
Saint Thaddaeus’ and Saint Alban’s Episcopal Churches are partner parishes joined in the leadership of Fr. Robert Hartmans, Priest-in-Charge.
The relationship between the two parishes is loving and mutually respectful.
Many of our activities both surrounding worship and fellowship are inclusive of one another. The two parishes pray, study, and relax together often through biblical studies, outreach ministries, and community events.
Please join us for in-person worship service at St. Thaddaeus
Sunday Mornings at 11:30am &
Tuesday Evenings at 6:30pm
Listen to our services live or revisit previous service recordings at www.stthadlive.net
We are continuing to broadcast on Sundays at 11:30am from St Alban’s Episcopal.
You can watch the service stream directly on YouTube at 11:30am by following the link below. No meeting ID’s or login needed.